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Here at APM we offer a range of services including concept creation, strategic marketing plans, pre-production, video production, post-production and photography. 


Videos are a powerful tool to communicate messages, whether they’re political, personal or instructional. More and more companies are building video into their business model, and we can provide a service that not only offers high-quality video and editing, but we’ll actually sit down and have a chat with you to see what you’re looking for and how we can best provide that, as well as brainstorming ideas to come up with a creative, effective way to communicate your message. Below are some examples of types of videos we can provide for you.


- Internal communications
- Live events
- Interviews
- Highlight videos
- Green Screen

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- Music videos
- Short films
- Live events and gigs

- Actors Showreels


- Interviews
- Documentary films
- Photo & Video Journalism



- External communications
- Online PR
- Promo videos
- Filming exhibitions
- How to videos
- Online adverts

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Professional photography is a must when promoting your business. High quality, eye-catching images can really stop people in their tracks, communicating a thousand words! It’s likely that a photograph or video will be the first thing that somebody notices about your brand, so it needs to stand out. 

© AP Media 2018

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